Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why did I give up?

     I can't now imagine why I gave up blogging since I was very clear that this was going to be my primary way of communicating. And, when you think about it, it's not all that difficult to look up a blog!!!!
    So, here we are, one week to go...and two people will present work tomorrow...I think..and then everyone will present next week which will be a big crowd of work that won't have enough space to be seen nicely. Which is why it's good that Ashley wants to put it up tomorrow.....
    As you know, you needed to have a notebook or a blog...      and that the work is due on the last day of class...and that many of you are graduating...huge congratulations go your way...  And many good wishes..

     I'm sorry that our renegade exhibit didn't happen. I did give friends 25 copies of a one-page fold different cities...175 small books, and got 6 responses, most from Buffalo where a friend basically handed them to friends at different events. That definitely enhances the chances for response. One was found in Wellfleet..
    And I finished 100 4x6 drawings with text from "Bread & Roses: Mills, Migrants and the Struggle for the American Dream" that will be included in an exhibit at the Essex Art Center for the centennial celebration... And did a number of interviews of Lawrence residents or people connected with Lawrence that I still have to edit...